Very well written reference book for Caribbean Rum. And (due to the size of the book) a BIG read! Recommended for Rum enthusiasts.
Carsten Vlierboom – Chief Rum Officer, E&A Scheer
Rum writer Matt Pietrek has gotten to the bottom of seemingly every story about this spirit that inspires so many legends. His expertise paired with Carrie Smith’s design vision spotlights an absolutely breathtaking view of the world of Caribbean rum through both words and photographs. Take a journey through the history, the business, the myths and the legends and sail into your destination feeling like a captain of the topic. With over 70 different distillery profiles, you’ll want to book a trip to the great rum-producing nations in no time.
Tara Nurin in Forbes
Someone give @cocktailwonk all of the spirit/drinks book awards this year. Modern Caribbean Rum is an exceptional piece of work that clearly communicates its intentions, addresses the category’s shortcomings and dark past; and gives readers a well-rounded understanding of the business of rum, production by country and distillery, and enough archival references to leave you like 😱.
Tyler Zielinski – Journalist, PUNCH, Food & Wine, etc.
True to its title, Modern Caribbean Rum is an extensive reference guide to its eponymous spirit. … .one cannot help but feel that a book like Modern Caribbean Rum could not have been written without a deep passion for the subject and desire to share that passion with others.
Distiller Magazine
… a groundbreaking work within the given topic, which faithfully captures the present of rums from the Caribbean. Not to mention that the many beautiful photos it contains will transport you to those far-flung places, at least in your thoughts, and stimulate your appetite for rum…
The year’s best spirits book has arrived! Modern Caribbean Rum is an in-depth look at the production, business, and myriad rum distilleries based in the Caribbean region. The book from WonkPress comes from Cocktail Wonk/Rum Wonk Matt Pietrek and Carrie Smith, authors of the essential 2019 cocktail book Minimalist Tiki (which as a book is only “minimal” compared to this new gigantic new tome).
This book is huuuuuge. Over 800 pages and weighs more than some actual coffee tables. But you’ll be so impressed by the historical details and current status of some of our favorite rum distilleries. There are easy to read tables and pages and pages of informational but gorgeous photos.
Kevin Crossman, The Search for the Ultimate Mai Tai
We expected the mammoth amount of information but not the insightful & thoughtful writing, the crystal clear explanations of dauntingly complex topics (fermentation, distillation) or the gorgeous visuals and layout that make it a truly FUN read for rum fans. It’s not only one of the all-time best books on rum but one of the all time best books on spirits, period.
Raising Glasses – Independent Bottler
This work is a powerhouse, a bible, a complete encyclopedia of the region’s rum, current to the year-of-our-Lord 2022. A couple hundred pages (!) are devoted to the process of making rum, general history, economics, trade patterns, chemistry, and regulation, followed by a dementedly-thorough profile of each distillery on every island. The photos are gorgeous. It is also cheaper than the rum I am reviewing and will take you months to read and appreciate. Buy the damn thing.
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Press coverage for Modern Caribbean Rum